While our leaders of old never truly leave, whether in
memory or spirit (here's looking to you, Leah), they do – unfortunately – eventually graduate. And, so we must bid farewell to Will Harron. He has lead us well, whether it be against rowdy and jealous rugby players or in ensuring a proper alibi during the fourth quarter of an AmHerst game. Whatever plans he has ahead (and they will assuredly be great), we wish him well and good luck.
And as we see Will off, we look to Carlos Dominguez take up our reigns, give us insight and a straight future path, and shed eternal glory upon that Ephraim blessed band of the highest military order – the Moocho Macho Moocow Marching Band. A band member since his Freshman year, we know that Carlos will do well in his post and keep us fed fully on the nourishment that all growing children need – root beer and sour skittles.

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